Termes of the Law, London, 1721

Long Title: Les termes de la ley; or, Certain difficult & obscure words & terms of the common and statute laws of this realm now in use, expounded and explained : Corrected and enlarged, with the addition of many other words; particularly of those that have been lately introduced into the statute law of Great Britain, never printed in any other impression (Volume 1 of 1)
Author(s): John Rastell
Published: London, 1721
Publisher: Printed by Eliz. Nutt and R. Gosling (assigns of E. Sayer) for R. Gosling
Language: English
Notes: Notes Translated by his son, William Rastell. English and Anglo-Norman in parallel columns.
Subject Classification: Common Law
Format: 8
Purchase Location: London
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? Yes, but different edition