Beller's Universal Law, London, 1750 

Long Title: A delineation of universal law : being an abstract of an essay towards deducing the elements of universal law, from the first principles of knowledge, and the nature of things: in a methodical and connected series. In five books. I. Of law in general. II. Of private law. III. Of criminal law. IV. Of the laws of magistracy. V. Of the law of nations (Volume 1 of 1)
Author(s): Bellers Fettiplace
Published: London, 1750
Publisher: Printed for R. Dodsley
Language: English
Notes: 2 p. l., vii-xiv p., 1 l., 74 p. 26 cm.
Subject Classification: Law of Nature and Nations
Format: 4
Purchase Location: London
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? Yes, exact edition