Staunford's Pleas of the Crown, London, 1607

Long Title: Les plees del corone, diuisees in plusors titles & common lieux : per queux home pluis redement & plenairement trouera quelq[ue] chose que il quira, touchant les dits plees (Volume 1 of 1)
Author(s): William Staunford, William Rastell
Published: London, 1607
Publisher: Ex typographia Societatis Stationariorum [by Adam Islip]
Language: English, French, Latin
Notes: Dated 1601 and misspelled Staundford in 1828 Catalogue. Bound with: Staunford, William, Sir. An exposition of the king's prerogatiue ... London : Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1607.
Subject Classification: Common Law
Format: 4
Purchase Location: London
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? Yes, exact edition