Barnes's Notes, London, 1790
Long Title: | Notes of cases in points of practice, taken in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminister : from Michaelmas term, 1732, to Hilary term, 1756, inclusive. Published with the approbation of the judges of the said court. To which is added, a continuation of cases to the end of the reign of King George the Second. With a table, containing the names of the cases, and an index of the principal matters (Volume 1 of 1) |
Author(s): | Henry Barnes |
Published: | London, 1790 |
Publisher: | E. and R. Brooke |
Language: | English |
Notes: | xxxii, 500, [41] p. 24 cm.; The 3d ed |
Subject Classification: | Common Law |
Format: | 8 |
Purchase Location: | London |
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? | Yes, exact edition |
Find item at UVA Law Special Collections: | UVa Online Catalog |