Muchall, Doctor and Student, London, 1815

Long Title: Doctor and student : or, Dialogues between a doctor of divinity and a student in the laws of England containing the grounds of those laws, together with questions and cases concerning the equity thereof. To which are now first added, Two pieces concerning suits in Chancery by subpoena. I.A replication of a serjeant at the laws of England, to certain points alledged by a student of the said laws of England, in a dialogue in English between a doctor of divinity and the said student. II. A little treatise concerning writs of subpoena. (Volume 1 of 1)
Author(s): Christopher Saint German, William Muchall
Published: London, 1815
Publisher: Printed for S. Sweet
Language: English
Notes: 18th ed., rev. and cor. By William Muchall, gent
Subject Classification: Common Law
Format: 8
Purchase Location: London
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? Yes, exact edition