Booth, on Real Actions, Hill, London 1811
Long Title: | The nature and practice of real actions : in their writs and process; both original and judicial; together with some records in the court before the justice of the county palatine of Chester; proving the antiquity of the jurisdiction of that court, and of some families (Volume 1 of 1) |
Author(s): | George Booth, George Hill |
Published: | London, 1811 |
Publisher: | W. Clarke and Sons |
Language: | English |
Notes: | 2d ed., corr., with the notes of the late George Hill |
Subject Classification: | Common Law |
Format: | 8 |
Purchase Location: | London |
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? | Yes, exact edition |
Find item at UVA Law Special Collections: | UVa Online Catalog |