Ley's Reports, London, 1659
Long Title: | Reports of divers resolutions in law : arising upon cases in the Court of Wards, and other courts at Westminster, in the reigns of the late kings, King James and King Charles. [1608-1629] (Volume 1 of 1) |
Author(s): | James Ley Marlborough |
Published: | London, 1659 |
Publisher: | Printed by Tho. Roycroft for H. Twyford, Tho. Dring, and Jo. Place |
Language: | English |
Notes: | 2 p. l., 83, [7], 27 p. 30 cm. |
Subject Classification: | Common Law |
Format: | Folio |
Purchase Location: | London |
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? | Yes, exact edition |
Find item at UVA Law Special Collections: | UVa Online Catalog |