Hale's Pleas of the Crown, by Jacob, London; 1716
Long Title: | Pleas of the crown : in two parts : or, A methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject : with several hundred references, never before printed, to the ancient and modern books of the law : and likewise three other treatises by Sir Matthew Hale, viz. Of Sheriffs accompts, Trial of witches, and Provisions for the poor (Volume 1 of 1) |
Author(s): | Matthew Hale, Giles Jacob |
Published: | London, 1716 |
Publisher: | Printed by J.N. assignee of Edw. Sayer, for D. Brown, M. Wotton, W. Mears, J. Brown, and T. Woodward |
Language: | English |
Notes: | Related Title: Tryal of witches, at the assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds for the county of Suffolk. |
Subject Classification: | Common Law |
Format: | 8 |
Purchase Location: | London |
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? | Yes, exact edition |
Find item at UVA Law Special Collections: | UVa Online Catalog |