1825 Catalogue Volume Catalogue Short Title Long Title Author Name Format Publication Date Publication Location
1 Coke's Second Institutes, London, 1797 The Second Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England: Containing the Exposition of Many Ancient... Edward Coke 8 1797 London
1 Coke's Third Institutes, London, 1797 The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England: Concerning High Treason, and Other Pleas... Edward Coke 8 1797 London
1 Coke's Fourth Institutes, London, 1797 The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England: Concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts Edward Coke 8 1797 London
Catalogue of the University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, 1828 A Catalogue of the Library of the University of Virginia: Arranged Alphabetically Under Different... William Wertenbaker 8 1828 Virginia
2 Dumont, Theory of Punishments, Fr. Paris, 1818 Théorie des peines et des récompenses Etienne Dumont, Jeremy Bentham 8 1818 Paris
4th edition, 1812. 1 Abbott, on Shipping, London, 1804 A Treatise of the Law Relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen Charles Abbott 8 1804 London
1 Acherly, Britannic Constitution, London, 1727  The Britannic constitution : or, The fundamental form of government in Britain. Demonstrating, the... Roger Acherley Folio 1727 London
1 Ambler's Reports, London, 1790  Reports of cases aruged and determined in the High Court of Chancery : with some few in other... Charles Ambler Folio 1790 London
1 Anderson's Reports, London, 1664 Les reports du treserudite Edmund Anderson … le temps del jadis roign Elizabeth cibien en le Common... Edmund Anderson Folio 1664 London
1 Andrew's Reports, London, 1792  Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : in the eleventh and... George Andrews, George William Vernon 8 1792 London
1 Argumentum Anti-Normannicum, 1682 Argumentum anti-normannicum : or An argument proving, from ancient histories and records, that... William Atwood 8 1682 London
1 Ashe's Tables, London, 1614  Le primier volume del promptuarie, ou repertory generall de les annales, et plusors auters liures... Thomas Ashe Folio 1614 London
3rd edition, 1794. 1 Atkyn's Reports, London, 1781 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery : in the time of Lord... John Tracy Atkins 8 1781 London
3rd edition, 1794. 2 Atkyn's Reports, London, 1781 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery : in the time of Lord... John Tracy Atkins 8 1781 London
3rd edition, 1794. 3 Atkyn's Reports, London, 1781 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery : in the time of Lord... John Tracy Atkins 8 1781 London
1806 edition (English translation) 1 Azuni, Maritii Law, Fr. Paris, 1798 Systême universel de principes du droit maritime de l'Europe. Par Dominique-Albert Azuni. Tr.... Dominique-Albert Azuni 8 1798 Paris
1806 edition (English translation) 2 Azuni, Maritii Law, Fr. Paris, 1798 Systême universel de principes du droit maritime de l'Europe. Par Dominique-Albert Azuni. Tr.... Dominique-Albert Azuni 8 1798 Paris
2 Bacon's Abridgement, by Gwillam, London, 1807 A new abridgment of the law. By Matthew Bacon ... with considerable additions by Henry Gwillim. Matthew Bacon 8 1807 London
3 Bacon's Abridgement, by Gwillam, London, 1807 A new abridgment of the law. By Matthew Bacon ... with considerable additions by Henry Gwillim. Matthew Bacon 8 1807 London
1 Bacon's Abridgement, by Gwillam, London, 1807 A new abridgment of the law. By Matthew Bacon ... with considerable additions by Henry Gwillim. Matthew Bacon 8 1807 London
4 Bacon's Abridgement, by Gwillam, London, 1807 A new abridgment of the law. By Matthew Bacon ... with considerable additions by Henry Gwillim. Matthew Bacon 8 1807 London
5 Bacon's Abridgement, by Gwillam, London, 1807 A new abridgment of the law. By Matthew Bacon ... with considerable additions by Henry Gwillim. Matthew Bacon 8 1807 London
6 Bacon's Abridgement, by Gwillam, London, 1807 A new abridgment of the law. By Matthew Bacon ... with considerable additions by Henry Gwillim. Matthew Bacon 8 1807 London
7 Bacon's Abridgement, by Gwillam, London, 1807 A new abridgment of the law. By Matthew Bacon ... with considerable additions by Henry Gwillim. Matthew Bacon 8 1807 London
1 Bacon's (Francis) Law Tracts, London, 1741 Law Tracts Francis Bacon 8 1741 London
1 Barnes's Notes, London, 1790  Notes of cases in points of practice, taken in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminister : from... Henry Barnes 8 1790 London
2nd edition, 1719. 1 Baron and Feme, London, 1738  Baron and Feme : A treatise of law and equity, concerning husbands and wives 8 1738 London
1 Barrington's Observations, London, 1796  Observations on the more ancient statutes from the Magna charta to the twenty-first of James I. cap... Daines Barrington 4 1796 London
1805 edition 2 Barton's Elements of Conveyancing London, 1810 Elements of conveyancing : with cursory remarks upon the study of that science. Including a list of... Charles Barton 8 1810 London
1805 edition 3 Barton's Elements of Conveyancing London, 1810 Elements of conveyancing : with cursory remarks upon the study of that science. Including a list of... Charles Barton 8 1821 London
1805 edition 4 Barton's Elements of Conveyancing London, 1810 Elements of conveyancing : with cursory remarks upon the study of that science. Including a list of... Charles Barton 8 1822 London
1805 edition 5 Barton's Elements of Conveyancing London, 1810 Elements of conveyancing : with cursory remarks upon the study of that science. Including a list of... Charles Barton 8 1822 London
1805 edition 1 Barton's Elements of Conveyancing London, 1810 Elements of conveyancing : with cursory remarks upon the study of that science. Including a list of... Charles Barton 8 1810 London
1 Barton's Suit in Equity, London, 1796  An historical treatise of a suit in equity : in which is attempted a scientific deduction of the... Charles Barton 8 1796 London
1 Beaver's Translation of the Roman Law, by Ferrire 1724 The history of the Roman or civil law : Shewing its origins and progress; how, and when the several... John Beaver 8 1724 London
1 Beawe's Lex Mercatoria, Chitty, London, 1813 Lex mercatoria : or, A complete code of commercial law; being a general guide to all men in... Wyndham Beawes 4 1813 London
2 Beawe's Lex Mercatoria, Chitty, London, 1813 Lex mercatoria : or, A complete code of commercial law; being a general guide to all men in... Wyndham Beawes 4 1813 London
1 Beller's Universal Law, London, 1750  A delineation of universal law : being an abstract of an essay towards deducing the elements of... Bellers Fettiplace 4 1750 London
1 Benlow's Reports, London, 1689  Les reports de Gulielme Benloe serjeant del ley : des divers pleadings et cases en le Court del... William Bendlowes Folio 1689 London
1 Bendloe's Reports, London, 1660  Les reports de Gulielme Bendloes, serjeant de la ley : des divers resolutions et judgments donne... William Bendlowes Folio 1660 London
2 Blackstone's Reports, London, 1781 Reports of cases determined in the several courts of Westminster-hall, from 1746 to 1779. Taken and... William Blackstone Folio 1781 London
1 Blackstone's Reports, London, 1781 Reports of cases determined in the several courts of Westminster-hall, from 1746 to 1779. Taken and... William Blackstone Folio 1781 London
1 Blackstone's Law Tracts, Oxford, 1771 Tracts, chiefly relating to the antiquities and laws of England William Blackstone 4 1771 Oxford
3 Blackstone's Commentaries, Christian, London, 1793 By Sir William Blackstone, Knt. one of the justices of His Majesty's court of common pleas.... WIlliam Blackstone 8 1793 London
4 Blackstone's Commentaries, Christian, London, 1793 By Sir William Blackstone, Knt. one of the justices of His Majesty's court of common pleas.... William Blackstone 8 1793 London
1 Blackstone's Commentaries, Christian, London, 1793 By Sir William Blackstone, Knt. one of the justices of His Majesty's court of common pleas.... William Blackstone 8 1793 London
2 Blackstone's Commentaries, Christian, London, 1793 By Sir William Blackstone, Knt. one of the justices of His Majesty's court of common pleas.... Wiliam Blackstone 8 1793 London
1771 edition 1 Blackstone's Analysis, Oxford, 1758  An analysis of the laws of England William Blackstone 8 1758 Oxford
2 Blackstone's (H.) Reports, London, 1801 Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas And Exchequer Chamber: From... Henry Blackstone Folio 1801 London
1 Blackstone's (H.) Reports, London, 1801 Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas And Exchequer Chamber: From... Henry Blackstone Folio 1801 London
1 Blount's Law Dictionary, by Nelson, London, 1717  A law-dictionary and glossary : interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms as are... Thomas Blount Folio 1717 London
1 Bohem's English Lawyer, London, 1732  The English lawyer : shewing the nature and forms of original writs, processes and mandates, of the... William Bohun 8 1732 London
1 Bohem's Introduction to the study of the Laws of England, 1732 Institutio legalis : or, An introduction to the study and practice of the laws of England, as now... William Bohun 8 1732 London
1 Bohem's Privileges of London, London, 1723 Privilegia Londini : or, the rights, liberties, privileges, laws, and customs, of the City of... William Bohun 8 1723 London
1 Booth, on Real Actions, Hill, London 1811  The nature and practice of real actions : in their writs and process; both original and judicial;... George Booth 8 1811 London
1 Bosanquet & Puller's Reports, London 1814 Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of Common Pleas, and Exchequer Chamber and in... John Bernard Bosanquet, Christoper Puller 8 1814 London
2 Bosanquet & Puller's Reports, London 1814 Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of Common Pleas, and Exchequer Chamber and in... John Bernard Bosanquet, Christopher Puller 8 1814 London
3 Bosanquet & Puller's Reports, London 1814 Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of Common Pleas, and Exchequer Chamber and in... John Bernard Bosanquet, Christopher Puller 8 1814 London
1 Bosanquet & Puller's New Reports, London, 1806 New reports of cases argued and determined, in the Court of Common Pleas, and other courts : from... John Bernard Bosanquet, Christopher Puller 8 1806 London
2 Bosanquet & Puller's New Reports, London, 1806 New reports of cases argued and determined, in the Court of Common Pleas, and other courts : from... 8 1806 London
1 Boucher, Maratime Law, French, Paris, 1803  Institution au droit maritime : ouvrage complet sur la législation maritime, ayant pour base l... Pierre B. Boucher 4 1803 Paris
1 Boucher, Commercial Institutions. Fr. Paris, 1801  Institutions commerciales : traitant de la jurisprudence marchande et des usages du négoce, d... Pierre B. Boucher 4 1801 Paris
1 Bracton, on Law, Latin, London, 1569  Henrici de Bracton De legibus & consuetudinibus Angliæ libri quinq : in varios tractatus... Henry de Bracton Folio 1569 London
1 Bridgman's Conveyances, London, 1725  Sir Orl. Bridgman's Conveyances : being select precedents of deeds and instruments concerning... Orlando Bridgeman Folio 1725 London
1 Bridgman's Reports, London, 1659  Reports of that grave and learned judge, Sir John Bridgman, knight; serjeant at lavv, sometime... John Bridgman Folio 1659 London
1 Bridgman's Law of Charitable uses, London, 1805 The law of charitable uses : as laid down and digested by George Duke, Esq., in 1676, together with... Richard Whalley Bridgman 8 1805 London
1813 edition 1 Bridgman's Digest, by R O Bridgman, London, 1822  An analytical digest of the reported cases in the courts of equity, and the High Court of... Richard Whalley Bridgman 8 1822 London
1813 edition 2 Bridgman's Digest, by R O Bridgman, London, 1822  An analytical digest of the reported cases in the courts of equity, and the High Court of... Richard Walley Bridgman, Richard Orlando Bridgman 8 1822 London
1813 edition 3 Bridgman's Digest, by R O Bridgman, London, 1822  An analytical digest of the reported cases in the courts of equity, and the High Court of... Richard Walley Bridgman, Richard Orlando Bridgman 8 1822 London
1st edition (1661) 1 Brevium, Thesaurus of, Latin, London, 1689  Thesaurus brevium : Or, A collection of approved forms of writs, and pleadings to those writs, and... Folio 1687 London
1 Brisson, on the Signification of Words which pertain to the Law Barnabae Brissonii ... De verborvm qvae ad ivs civile pertinent significatione opvs... Barnabé Brisson Folio 1743 Paris
1586 edition 1 Brooke's Abridgement, London, 1576  La graunde abridgement, collecte & escrie per le iudge tresreuerend Syr Robert Brooke chiualier... Robert Brooke 4 1576 London
1 Brownlow's & Goldsborough's Reports, London, 1675  The reports of Richard Brownlow and John Goldesborough, Esquires : the first and second part.... John Goldesborough, Richard Brownlow 4 1675 London
1801 edition 1 Brown's Reports, by Belt, London, 1820 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord... William Brown 8 1820 London
1801 edition 2 Brown's Reports, by Belt, London, 1820 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord... William Brown 8 1820 London
1801 edition 3 Brown's Reports, by Belt, London, 1820 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord... William Brown, Robert Belt 8 1820 London
1801 edition 4 Brown's Reports, by Belt, London, 1820 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord... William Brown, Robert Belt 8 1820 London
1 Brown's (G.) Remarks, London, 1704 Privilegia parliamentaria senatus consensu sublata : being remarks upon the acts of Parliament de... William Brown 8 1704 London
1 Browne's Civil Law, London, 1802 A compendious view of the civil law, and of the law of the admiralty : being the substance of a... Arthur Browne 8 1802 London
2 Browne's Civil Law, London, 1802 A compendious view of the civil law, and of the law of the admiralty : being the substance of a... Arthur Browne 8 1802 London
1 Bullet's Nisi Prius, by Bridgman, London, 1817  An introduction to the law, relative to trials at nisi prius. By Sir Francis Buller ; with copious... Francis Buller, Richard Walley Bridgman 8 1817 London
1 Bulstrode's Reports, London, 1657  The Reports of Edward Bulstrode: Of divers resolutions and judgements, given ... by the grave,... Edward Bulstrode 4 1657 London
1764 edition 1 Burlamaque, Principles of Natural Law, French, Geneva, 1747 Principes du droit naturel Burlamaaqui 4 1747 Geneva
1814 edition 2 Burn's Justice, by Chetwynd, London, 1825 The justice of the peace, and parish officer Richard Burn 8 1825 London
1814 edition 3 Burn's Justice, by Chetwynd, London, 1825 The justice of the peace, and parish officer Richard Burn 8 1825 London
1814 edition 4 Burn's Justice, by Chetwynd, London, 1825 The justice of the peace, and parish officer Richard Burn 8 1825 London
1814 edition 5 Burn's Justice, by Chetwynd, London, 1825 The justice of the peace, and parish officer Richard Burn 8 1825 London
1814 edition 1 Burn's Justice, by Chetwynd, London, 1825 The justice of the peace, and parish officer Richard Burn 8 1825 London
7th (1809) edition 1 Burn's Ecclesiastical Law, London, 1824 The Ecclesiastical Law Richard Burn 8 1824 London
7th (1809) edition 2 Burn's Elesiastical Law, London, 1824 The Ecclesiastical Law Richard Burn 8 1824 London
7th (1809) edition 3 Burn's Elesiastical Law, London, 1824  The Ecclesiastical Law Richard Burn, Robert Philip Tyrwhitt 8 1824 London
7th (1809) edition 4 Burn's Elesiastical Law, London, 1824 The Ecclesiastical Law Richard Burn, Robert Philip Tyrwhitt 8 1824 London
1 Burr's Trial, by Robertson, Philadelphia, 1808 Reports of the trials of Colonel Aaron Burr : (late vice president of the United States,) for... David Robertson 8 1808 Philadelphia
2 Burr's Trial, by Robertson, Philadelphia, 1808 Reports of the trials of Colonel Aaron Burr : (late vice president of the United States,) for... David Robertson 8 1808 Philadelphia
5 Burrow's Reports, London, 1790 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : during the time Lord... James Burrow 8 1790 London
1 Burrow's Reports, London, 1790 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : during the time Lord... James Burrow 8 1790 London
2 Burrow's Reports, London, 1790 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : during the time Lord... James Burrow 8 1790 London
3 Burrow's Reports, London, 1790 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : during the time Lord... James Burrow 8 1790 London
4 Burrow's Reports, London, 1790 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : during the time Lord... James Burrow 8 1790 London
1 Butler's Horae Juridicae, London, 1807  Horæ juridicæ subsecivæ : a connected series of notes, respecting the geography, chronology and... Charles Butler 8 1807 London
1 Butler's on the legality of impressing Seamen, London, 1778 An Essay on the Legality of Impressing Seamen. Charles Butler 8 1778 London
1 Bynkershock's Works, Latin, Leyden, 1752 Opera Cornelius van Bijnkershoek 4 1752 Leiden
1761 edition 1 Bynkershock's Works, complete, Leyden, 1767 Opera Omnia Cornelius van Bijnkershoek Folio 1767 Leiden
1 Call's Reports, by Tate, Richmond, 1824 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of Appeals of Virginia : [June term-Nov. term,... Joseph Tate, David Call 8 1824 Richmond, VA
2 Call's Reports, by Tate, Richmond, 1824 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of Appeals of Virginia : [June term-Nov. term,... Joseph Tate, David Call 8 1824 Richmond, VA
3 Call's Reports, by Tate, Richmond, 1824 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of Appeals of Virginia : [June term-Nov. term,... Joseph Tate, David Call 8 1824 Richmond, VA
1 Calthrop's Reports, London, 1670 Reports of special cases touching several customes and liberties of the city of London. Henry Calthrop 12 1670 London
1734 edition 1 Calvin, Juridical Lexicon, London, 1759 Johannis Kahl, aliàs Calvini ... Magnum lexicon juridicum juris nimirum caesarei simul, &... Johannes Calvinnus Folio 1759 Cologne
1734 edition 2 Calvin, Juridical Lexicon, London, 1759 Johannis Kahl, aliàs Calvini ... Magnum lexicon juridicum juris nimirum caesarei simul, &... Johannes Calvinnus Folio 1759 Cologne
1783 edition 1 Canon Law, Body of, Lancelotti, Latin Venice, 1782 Corpus Iuris Canonici Academicum Christopher Heinrich Freiesleben 4 1782 Venice
1783 edition 2 Canon Law, Body of, Lancelotti, Latin Venice, 1782 Corpus Iuris Canonici Academicum Christopher Heinrich Freiesleben 4 1782 Venice
1 Carthew's Reports, London, 1741  Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : from the third year of King James the... Thomas Carthew Folio 1741 London
1 Carter's Reports, London, 1688  Reports of several special cases argued and resolved in the Court of Common Pleas : in the XVI,... Samuel Carter, Orlando Bridgeman Folio 1688 London
1 Cary's Reports, London, 1820  Reports, or Causes in Chancery. Collected by Sir George Cary, one of the masters of Chancery, anno... George Carew 12 1820 London
1 Cave's British Liberties, London, 1766  British liberties; or, The free‑born subject's inheritance : containing the laws that form the... Henry Care 8 1766 London
1 Chancery Cases, London, 1735  Cases argued and decreed in the High Court of Chancery Folio 1735 London
1 Chancery Cases, London, 1725  Reports of cases decreed in the High Court of Chancery : during the time Sir Heneage Finch,... Heneage Finch Nottingham, William Nelson Folio 1725 London
1 Chancery, Practice in the Court of, 1694 Praxis almae curiae cancellariae : a collection of precedents by bill and answer, plea and demurer... William Brown 8 1694 London
2 Chancery, Practice in the Court of, 1694 Praxis almae curiae cancellariae : a collection of precedents by bill and answer, plea and demurer... William Brown 8 1694 London
3 Chancery, Practice in the Court of, 1694 Praxis almae curiae cancellariae : a collection of precedents by bill and answer, plea and demurer... William Brown 8 1694 London
1 Chitty's Law of Nations, London, 1812  A practical treatise on the law of nations relative to the legal effect of war on the commerce of... Joseph Chitty 8 1812 London
4th (1812) edition 1 Chitty's on Bills of Exchange, London, 1822  A practical treatise on bills of exchange, Checks on bankers, promissory notes, bankers' cash... Joseph Chitty 8 1822 London
3rd (1817) edition 1 Chitty's on Pleading, London, 1825 A treatise on the parties to actions, the forms of actions, and on pleading : with second and third... Joseph Chitty 8 1825 London
3rd (1817) edition 2 Chitty's on Pleading, London, 1825 A treatise on the parties to actions, the forms of actions, and on pleading : with second and third... Joseph Chitty 8 1825 London
3rd (1817) edition 3 Chitty's on Pleading, London, 1825 A treatise on the parties to actions, the forms of actions, and on pleading : with second and third... Joseph Chitty 8 1825 London
1 Chetwynd Treatise on Fines, London, 1773  A treatise upon fines : to which is added, some general observations on the nature of deeds leading... James Chetwynd 4 1773 London
5th (1798) edition 1 Clerk, Practice of the English Court of Admiralty, Latin, London, 1679  Praxis curiæ admiralitatis Angliæ Francis Clerke 12 1679 London
1 Clerk of the Peace, Duties of, 1726  Officium clerici pacis : a book of indictments, informations, inquistions and appeals : also the... 8 1726 London
6 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
7 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
8 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
9 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
10 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
11 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
12 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
13 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
1 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
2 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
3 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
4 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
5 Code of Humanity, 1778 Code de l'Humanité ou la Législation universelle, naturelle, civile et politique, avec l... Fortuné-Barthélemy de Felice 4 1778 Yverdon
1 Code, Theodosian, Ritterus, Leipsic, 1736 Codex Theodosianus cum perpetuis commentariis J. Gothofredi ... Præmittuntur chronologia accuratior... Johann Daniel Ritter, Jacques Godefroy, Antonius Marvillius Folio 1736 Leipzig
2 Code, Theodosian, Ritterus, Leipsic, 1736  Codex Theodosianus cum perpetuis commentariis J. Gothofredi ... Præmittuntur chronologia accuratior... Johann Daniel Ritter, Antonius Marvillius, Jacques Godefroy Folio 1736 Leipzig
3 Code, Theodosian, Ritterus, Leipsic, 1736 Codex Theodosianus cum perpetuis commentariis J. Gothofredi ... Præmittuntur chronologia accuratior... Johann Daniel Ritter, Antonius Marvillius, Jacques Goderfroy Folio 1736 Leipzig
4 Code, Theodosian, Ritterus, Leipsic, 1736 Codex Theodosianus cum perpetuis commentariis J. Gothofredi ... Præmittuntur chronologia accuratior... Johann Daniel Ritter, Jacques Godefroy, Antonius Marvillius Folio 1736 Leipzig
5 Code, Theodosian, Ritterus, Leipsic, 1736 Codex Theodosianus cum perpetuis commentariis J. Gothofredi ... Præmittuntur chronologia accuratior... Johann Daniel Ritter, Jacques Godefroy, Antonius Marvillius Folio 1736 Leipzig
6 Code, Theodosian, Ritterus, Leipsic, 1736 Codex Theodosianus cum perpetuis commentariis J. Gothofredi ... Præmittuntur chronologia accuratior... Johann Daniel Ritter, Jacques Godefroy, Antonius Marvillius Folio 1736 Leipzig
1 Coke's Entries, London, 1671  A book of entries : containing perfect and approved presidents of counts, declarations,... Edward Coke Folio 1671 London
1 Coke's Reports, by Wilson, London, 1776 The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt. in English, in thirteen parts complete, with references to all... George Wilson 8 1776 London
2 Coke's Reports, by Wilson, London, 1776 The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt. in English, in thirteen parts complete, with references to all... Edward Coke, George Wilson 8 1776 London
3 Coke's Reports, by Wilson, London, 1776 The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt. in English, in thirteen parts complete, with references to all... Edward Coke, George Wilson 8 1776 London
4 Coke's Reports, by Wilson, London, 1776 The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt. in English, in thirteen parts complete, with references to all... Edward Coke, George Wilson 8 1776 London
5 Coke's Reports, by Wilson, London, 1776 The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt. in English, in thirteen parts complete, with references to all... Edward Coke, George Wilson 8 1776 London
6 Coke's Reports, by Wilson, London, 1776 The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt. in English, in thirteen parts complete, with references to all... Edward Coke, George Wilson 8 1776 London
7 Coke's Reports, by Wilson, London, 1776 The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt. in English, in thirteen parts complete, with references to all... Edward Coke, George Wilson 8 1776 London
1 Coke's upon Littleton, by Hargrave and Butler, London, 1794 The first part of the institutes of the laws of England, or, A commentary upon Littleton : not the... Edward Coke, Francis Hargrave, Charles Butler, Thomas Littleton 8 1794 London
2 Coke's upon Littleton, by Hargrave and Butler, London, 1794 The first part of the institutes of the laws of England, or, A commentary upon Littleton : not the... Edward Coke, Francis Hargrave, Charles Butler, Thomas Littleton 8 1794 London
3 Coke's upon Littleton, by Hargrave and Butler, London, 1794 The first part of the institutes of the laws of England, or, A commentary upon Littleton : not the... Edward Coke, Francis Hargrave, Charles Butler, Thomas Littleton 8 1794 London
4 Coke's upon Littleton, by Hargrave and Butler, London, 1794 The first part of the institutes of the laws of England, or, A commentary upon Littleton : not the... Edward Coke, Francis Hargrave, Charles Butler, Thomas Littleton 8 1794 London
5 Coke's upon Littleton, by Hargrave and Butler, London, 1794 The first part of the institutes of the laws of England, or, A commentary upon Littleton : not the... Edward Coke, Francis Hargrave, Charles Butler, Thomas Littleton 8 1794 London
6 Coke's upon Littleton, by Hargrave and Butler, London, 1794 The first part of the institutes of the laws of England, or, A commentary upon Littleton : not the... Edward Coke, Francis Hargrave, Charles Butler, Thomas Littleton 8 1794 London
1751 edition 1 Coke's Littleton, abridged by Hawkins, London, 1822 An abridgement of the first part of my Lord Coke's Institutes William Hawkins 12 1822 London
2 Coke's First Institute with Notes by Hargrave and Thomas, London, 1818 A systematic arrangement of Lord Coke's First Institute of the laws of England : on the plan... Francis Hargrave 8 1818 London
3 Coke's First Institute with Notes by Hargrave and Thomas, London, 1818 A systematic arrangement of Lord Coke's First Institute of the laws of England : on the plan... Francis Hargrave, John Henry Thomas, Edward Coke 8 1818 London
1 Coke's First Institute with Notes by Hargrave and Thomas, London, 1818 A systematic arrangement of Lord Coke's First Institute of the laws of England : on the plan... Francis Hargrave 8 1818 London
1 Collectanea Juridica, Latin, London Collectanea juridica : Consisting of tracts relative to the law and constitution of England Francis Hargrave 8 1791 London
2 Collectanea Juridica, Latin, London Collectanea juridica : Consisting of tracts relative to the law and constitution of Englanold Francis Hargrave 8 1791 London
1 Collis's Parliamentary Cases, 1697 to 1709, Dublin, 1789 Reports of cases, upon appeals and writs of error, in the High Court of Parliament : from the year... Richard Colles, Josiah Brown 8 1789 Dublin
1 Collier's Law of Patents, London, 1803  An essay on the law of patents for new inventions : To which are prefixed, two chapters, on the... John Dyer Collier 8 1803 London
1 Comberbach's Reports, London, 1724  The report of several cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench at Westminister... Roger Comberbach Folio 1724 London
1770 edition 1 Complete, Arbitrator, London, 1744 The compleat arbitrator; or, The law of awards Matthew Bacon 8 1744 London
1 Common Law, Treatise on London, 1720  The law of commons and commoners : or a treatise shewing the original and nature of common, and the... 8 1720 London
4th edition 1 Comyn's Digest, Hammond, London, 1822 A digest of the laws of England John Comyns 8 1822 London
4th edition 2 Comyn's Digest, Hammond, London, 1822 A digest of the laws of England John Comyns 8 1822 London
4th edition 3 Comyn's Digest, Hammond, London, 1822 A digest of the laws of England John Comyns 8 1822 London
4th edition 4 Comyn's Digest, Hammond, London, 1822 A digest of the laws of England John Comyns 8 1822 London
4th edition 5 Comyn's Digest, Hammond, London, 1822 A digest of the laws of England John Comyns 8 1822 London
4th edition 6 Comyn's Digest, Hammond, London, 1822 A digest of the laws of England John Comyns 8 1822 London
4th edition 7 Comyn's Digest, Hammond, London, 1822 A digest of the laws of England John Comyns 8 1822 London
4th edition 8 Comyn's Digest, Hammond, London, 1822 A digest of the laws of England John Comyns 8 1822 London
2 Comyn's Reports, Rose London, 1792 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer... John Comyns 8 1792 London
1 Comyn's Reports, Rose London, 1792 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer... John Comyns 8 1792 London
1708 edition 1 Conset's Practice of the Law, London, 1700 The practice of the spiritual or ecclesiastical courts : To which is added, A brief discourse of... Henry Consett 8 1700 London
1 Cooper's Justinian, Philadelphia, 1812 The Institutes of Justinian Thomas Cooper 8 1812 Philadelphia
1 Cooper's (G.) Cases in Chancery, London, 1815 Cases argued and detemined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon... George Cooper 8 1815 London
1 Customs of Normandy, 1534 Le grant coustumier du pays et duche de Normandie . : avec plusieurs additions, allegations et... Guillame Le Rouillé Folio 1534 Paris
1 Cotton's Records, London, 1657 An exact abridgement of the records in the Tower of London : from the reign of King Edward the... William Prynne Folio 1657 London
1727 edition 1 Coswell's Interpreter, London, 1658 The interpreter, or Book containing the signification of words : wherein is set forth the true... John Cowell Folio 1658 London
1 Cowper's Reports, London, 1800 Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : from Hilary term, the 14th of George... Henry Cowper 8 1800 London
2 Cowper's Reports, London, 1800 Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : from Hilary term, the 14th of George... Henry Cowper 8 1800 London
1 Cox's Cases in Equity, London, 1816 Cases determined in the courts of equity : from 1783 to 1796 inclusive. With a few of an earlier... Samuel Compton Cox 8 1816 London
2 Cox's Cases in Equity, London, 1816 Cases determined in the courts of equity : from 1783 to 1796 inclusive. With a few of an earlier... Samuel Compton Cox 8 1816 London
1 Craig's (Sir Thomas) Foedal Law, Ballie, Latin, Edinburgh, 1732 D. Thomae Cragii de Riccarton . : Jus feudale, tribus libris comprehensum: quibus non solùm... Thomas Craig Folio 1732 Edinburgh
6 Cranch's Reports, New-York, 1812 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States-- : August 1801-[... William Cranch 8 1812 New York
7 Cranch's Reports, New-York, 1812 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States-- : August 1801-[... William Cranch 8 1812 New York
8 Cranch's Reports, New-York, 1812 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States-- : August 1801-[... William Cranch 8 1812 New York
9 Cranch's Reports, New-York, 1812 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States-- : August 1801-[... William Cranch 8 1812 New York
1 Cranch's Reports, New-York, 1812 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States-- : August 1801-[... William Cranch 8 1812 New York
2 Cranch's Reports, New-York, 1812 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States-- : August 1801-[... William Cranch 8 1812 New York
3 Cranch's Reports, New-York, 1812 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States-- : August 1801-[... William Cranch 8 1812 New York
4 Cranch's Reports, New-York, 1812 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States-- : August 1801-[... William Cranch 8 1812 New York
5 Cranch's Reports, New-York, 1812 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States-- : August 1801-[... William Cranch 8 1812 New York
3 Croke's Reports, London, 1683 Reports of Sr George Croke kt : Late one of the justices of the Court of Kings-bench, and formerly... George Croke Folio 1683 London
2 Croke's Reports, London, 1683 Reports of Sr George Croke kt : Late one of the justices of the Court of Kings-bench, and formerly... George Croke Folio 1683 London
1 Croke's Reports, London, 1683 Reports of Sr George Croke kt : Late one of the justices of the Court of Kings-bench, and formerly... George Croke Folio 1683 London
8th (1811) edition 1 Crown Circuit Companion, by Minchin and Herbert, London, 1820 The crown circuit companion : in which is incorporated the crown circuit assistant W. Stubbs 8 1820 London
1 Crown Laws, Latin, 1680 Jura coronae : His Majesties royal rights and prerogatives asserted, against papal usurpations, and... John Brydall 8 1680 London
1807 edition 1 Cruis's Digest, London, 1824 A digest of the laws of England respecting real property William Cruise 8 1824 London
1807 edition 2 Cruis's Digest, London, 1824 A digest of the laws of England respecting real property William Cruise 8 1824 London
1807 edition 3 Cruis's Digest, London, 1824 A digest of the laws of England respecting real property William Cruise 8 1824 London
1807 edition 4 Cruis's Digest, London, 1824 A digest of the laws of England respecting real property William Cruise 8 1824 London
1807 edition 5 Cruis's Digest, London, 1824 A digest of the laws of England respecting real property William Cruise 8 1824 London
1807 edition 6 Cruis's Digest, London, 1824 A digest of the laws of England respecting real property William Cruise 8 1824 London
1 Cumberland's Law of Nature, by Maxwell, London, 1727 A treatise of the laws of nature Richard Cumberland 4 1727 London
1 Cunningham's Reports, London, 1770 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : in the seventh, eighth,... Timothy Cunningham Folio 1770 London
1 Cunningham's Law Dictionary, London, 1783 A new and complete law-dictionary, or, general abridgment of the law: on a more extensive plan than... Timothy Cunningham Folio 1783 London
2 Cunningham's Law Dictionary, London, 1783 A new and complete law-dictionary, or, general abridgment of the law: on a more extensive plan than... Timothy Cunningham Folio 1783 London
1 Cunningham's on Bills, London, 1778 The law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank-notes and insurances : containing all the... Timothy Cunningham 8 1778 London
2 Dallas's Reports, Philadelphia, 1806 Reports of cases ruled and adjudged in the several courts of the United States, and of Pennsylvania... James Alexander Dallas 8 1806 Philadelphia
3 Dallas's Reports, Philadelphia, 1806 Reports of cases ruled and adjudged in the several courts of the United States, and of Pennsylvania... James Alexander Dallas 8 1806 Philadelphia
4 Dallas's Reports, Philadelphia, 1806 Reports of cases ruled and adjudged in the several courts of the United States, and of Pennsylvania... James Alexander Dallas 8 1806 Philadelphia
1 Dallas's Reports, Philadelphia, 1806 Reports of cases ruled and adjudged in the several courts of the United States, and of Pennsylvania... James Alexander Dallas 8 1806 Philadelphia
1 Dalrymple's Feudal Tenures, London, 1759 An essay towards a general history of feudal property in Great Britain. John Dalrymple 8 1759 London
1746 edition 1 Dalton's Country Justice, London, 1690 The Country Justice: containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace Michael Dalton Folio 1690 London
1 Dalton's Sheriffs, London, 1700 Officium vicecomitum : The office and authority of sheriffs: gathered out of the statutes, and... Michael Dalton Folio 1700 London
1 D'Anver's Abridgement, London, 1725 A general abridgment of the common law : alphabetically digested under proper titles: with notes... Knightley D'Anvers Folio 1725 London
2 D'Anver's Abridgement, London, 1725 A general abridgment of the common law : alphabetically digested under proper titles: with notes... Knightley D'Anvers Folio 1725 London
3 D'Anver's Abridgement, London, 1725 A general abridgment of the common law : alphabetically digested under proper titles: with notes... Knightley D'Anvers Folio 1725 London
1 Davy's Reports London, 1628 Le premier report des cases et matters en ley resolues & adiudges en les courts del roy en... John Davies Folio 1628 London
1 Dicken's Reports, Wyatt, London, 1803 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery : 1559-1797 John Dickens 8 1803 London
2 Dicken's Reports, Wyatt, London, 1803 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery : 1559-1797 John Dickens 8 1803 London
1 Doctrine of Pleading, London, 1677 Doctrina placitandi : ou l'art & science de bon pleading: monstriant lou, & en queux... Samson Eure 4 1677 London
1 Domat's Civil Law, London, 1737 The civil law in its natural order : together with the publick law Jean Domat Folio 1737 London
1 Dominion of the Sea, London A general treatise of the dominion of the sea : and a compleat body of the sea-laws: containing... Alexander Justice 4 1710 London
1 Douglass' Reports Frere, London, 1813 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench : in the nineteenth,... Sylvester Douglas Glenbervie 8 1813 London
2 Douglass' Reports Frere, London, 1813 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench : in the nineteenth,... Sylvester Douglas Glenbervie 8 1813 London
1 Dumont, Theory of Punishments, Fr. Paris, 1818 Théorie des peines et des récompenses Etienne Dumont, Jeremy Bentham 1818 Paris
1800 8 Durnford's & East's Reports, London, 1817 Term reports in the Court of King's Bench Charles Durnford, Edward Hyde East 8 1817 London
1800 1 Durnford's & East's Reports, London, 1817 Term reports in the Court of King's Bench Charles Durnford, Edward Hyde East 8 1817 London
1800 2 Durnford's & East's Reports, London, 1817 Term reports in the Court of King's Bench Charles Durnford, Edward Hyde East 8 1817 London
1800 3 Durnford's & East's Reports, London, 1817 Term reports in the Court of King's Bench Charles Durnford, Edward Hyde East 8 1817 London
1800 4 Durnford's & East's Reports, London, 1817 Term reports in the Court of King's Bench Charles Durnford, Edward Hyde East 8 1817 London
1800 5 Durnford's & East's Reports, London, 1817 Term reports in the Court of King's Bench Charles Durnford, Edward Hyde East 8 1817 London
1800 6 Durnford's & East's Reports, London, 1817 Term reports in the Court of King's Bench Charles Durnford, Edward Hyde East 8 1817 London
1800 7 Durnford's & East's Reports, London, 1817 Term reports in the Court of King's Bench Charles Durnford, Edward Hyde East 8 1817 London
1726 1 Duncombe's Trials, London, 1766 Trials per pais : or, The law of England concerning juries by nisi prius, &c. With a compleat... Gules Duncombe 8 1766 London
1 East's Pleas of the Crown, London, 1803 A treatise of the pleas of the crown Edward Hyde East 8 1803 London
2 East's Pleas of the Crown, London, 1803 A treatise of the pleas of the crown Edward Hyde East 8 1803 London
1 Eden's Philosophy of Jurisprudence, Oxford, 1744 Jurisprudentia philologica, sive Elementa juris civilis : secundum methodum et seriem Institutionum... Robert Eden 4 1744 Oxford
1 Equity Cases, Abridged, London, 1793 A general abridgment of cases in equity : argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, &c... Robert Foley, Geoffrey Gilbert, Matthew Bacon, Henry Pooley Folio 1793 Dublin
2 Equity Cases, Abridged, London, 1793 A general abridgment of cases in equity : argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, &c... Robert Foley, Geoffrey Gilbert, Matthew Bacon, Henry Pooley Folio 1793 Dublin
1 English Liberties, by Care, London, 1719 English liberties : or, The free-born subject's inheritance . Henry Care 8 1719 London
1 Erskine's Rights of Juries by Blanchard, London, 1785 The rights of juries vindicated. The speeches of the Dean of St. Asaph's counsel, in the... Thomas Erskine 8 1785 London
1 Erskine's Speeches, See Miscell. The speeches of the Hon. Thomas Erskine : (now Lord Erskine), when at the bar, on subjects... Thomas Erskine, James Ridgway 8 1813 New York
2 Erskine's Speeches, See Miscell. The speeches of the Hon. Thomas Erskine : (now Lord Erskine), when at the bar, on subjects... Thomas Erskine, James Ridgway 8 1813 New York
1 Espinasse's Nisi Pruis, London, 1812 A digest of the law of actions and trials at nisi prius Isaac Espinasse 8 1812 London
2 Espinasse's Nisi Pruis, London, 1812 A digest of the law of actions and trials at nisi prius Isaac Espinasse 8 1813 London
1 Espinasse's Penal Statutes, London, 1813 A treatise on the law of actions on penal statutes in general Isaac Espinasse 8 1813 London
1 Evan's Decisions of Mansfield, London A general view of the decisions of Lord Mansfield in civil causes William David Evans 4 1803 London
2 Evan's Decisions of Mansfield, London A general view of the decisions of Lord Mansfield in civil causes William David Evans 4 1803 London
1795 edition 1 Fearne's Posthumous Works, Shadwell, London, 1797 The posthumous works of Charles Fearne, Esquire, barrister at law : consisting of a reading of the... Thomas Mitchell Shadwell 8 1797 London
1819 Philadelphia edition 1 Fearne's Contingent Remainders, Butler, London, 1824 An essay on the learning of contingent remainders and executory devises Charles Fearne 8 1824 London
1 Fichte's (J. A.) Principles of the Law of Nature, German, Jena, 1796 Grundlage des Naturrechts nach Principien der Wissenschaftslehre. Johann Gottlieb Fichte 8 1796 Leipzig
1 Finch, on Law, Pickering London, 1759 Law, or, a discourse thereof : in four books Henry Finch, Danby Pickering 8 1759 London
1 Finch, Precedents in Chancery, London, 1786 Precedents in Chancery : being a collection of cases argued and adjudged in the High Court of... Thomas Finch 8 1786 London
1 Fitzherbert's Abridgement, London, 1565 La Graunde Abridgement collect par le judge tresreuerend Monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert, dernierment... Anthony Fitzherbert Folio 1565 London
1 Fitz-Gibbon's Reports, London, 1732 The reports of several cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench at Westminster... John Fitz-Gibbons Folio 1732 London
1 Fitzherbert's Justice of the Peace, London, 1617 Loffice et auctoritie de iustices de peace Anthony Fitzherbert 8 1617 London
1685 1 Fleta, Selden, London, 1647 Fleta seu commentarius juris anglicani sic nuncupatus : sub Edwardo rege primo, seu circa annos... John Selden 4 1647 London
1 Fonblanque's Equity, London, 1820 A treatise of equity John Fonblanque 8 1820 London
2 Fonblanque's Equity, London, 1820 A treatise of equity John Fonblanque 8 1820 London
1 Fortescue, on the English Laws, Lat. London, 1741 De laudibus legum Angliæ John Fortescue Folio 1741 London
1 Foster's Crown Law, Dodson, London, 1809 A report of some proceedings on the commission for the trial of the rebels in the year 1746, in the... Michael Foster 8 1809 London
1 Freeman's Reports by Dixon, London, 1742 Reports of cases in law and equity : from 1670 to 1706. With tables of the names of the cases and... Richard Freeman Folio 1742 London
1 Freeman's Reports by Dixon, London, 1742 Reports of cases in law and equity : from 1670 to 1706. With tables of the names of the cases and... Richard Freeman Folio 1742 London
1 Francis's Maxims, London, 1728 Maxims of equity : collected from and proved by cases, out of the books of the best authority in... Richard Francis Folio 1728 London
1 Furneau's Letters to Blackstone, London, 1771 Letters to the Honourable Mr. Justice Blackstone, concerning his exposition of the Act of... Philip Furneaux 8 1771 London
1 Romagnosi, Italian, Milan, 1807 Genesi Del Diritto Penale Giandoxnenico Romagnosi 8 1807 Milan
1 Gibson's Codex, Oxford, 1761 Codex juris ecclesiastici anglicani : or, The statutes, constitutions, canons, rubricks and... Edmund Gibson Folio 1761 Oxford
2 Gibson's Codex, Oxford, 1761 Codex juris ecclesiastici anglicani : or, The statutes, constitutions, canons, rubricks and... Edmund Gibson Folio 1761 Oxford
1 Gilbert's Reports, 72 Reports of cases in equity : argued and decreed in the courts of Chancery and Exchequer, chiefly in... Geoffrey Gilbert Folio 1742 London
1 Gilbert's Law of Executions, London, 1763 The law of executions : To which are added, the history and practice of the Court of King's... Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1763 London
1 Gilbert's on Rents, London, 1758 A treatise on rents Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1758 London
1794 edition 1 Gilbert's Distresses, London, 1780 The law and practice of distresses and replevin Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1780 London
1 Gilbert's on Trusts by Sugden, London, 1811 The law of uses and trusts Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1811 London
1801 edition 1 Gilbert's Law of Evidence by Laftt, Dublin 1795 The law of evidence by Lord Chief Baron Gilbert. Considerably enlarged by Capel Lofft. To which is... Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1795 Dublin
1801 edition 2 Gilbert's Law of Evidence by Laftt, Dublin 1795 The law of evidence by Lord Chief Baron Gilbert. Considerably enlarged by Capel Lofft. To which is... Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1795 Dublin
1801 edition 3 Gilbert's Law of Evidence by Laftt, Dublin 1795 The law of evidence by Lord Chief Baron Gilbert. Considerably enlarged by Capel Lofft. To which is... Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1795 Dublin
1801 edition 4 Gilbert's Law of Evidence by Laftt, Dublin 1795 The law of evidence by Lord Chief Baron Gilbert. Considerably enlarged by Capel Lofft. To which is... Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1795 Dublin
1796 edition 1 Gilbert's on Tenures, Watkins & c. London, 1824 The law of tenures : including the theory and practice of copyholders Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1824 London
1 Gilbert's Chancery, London, 1758 The history and practice of the High Court of Chancery : In which is introduced, an account of the... Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1758 London
1 Gilbert's Exchequer, London, 1758 A treatise on the Court of Exchequer : in which the revenues of the crown; the manner of receiving... Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1758 London
1 Gilbert, on Common Pleas, London, 1779 The history and practice of civil actions, particularly in the Court of Common Pleas : being an... Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1779 London
1 Gilbert, on Cases in Law and Equity, London, 1760 Cases in law and equity : argued, debated and adjudged in the King's Bench and Chancery, in... Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1760 London
1 Gilbert, Devises, London, 1773 The law of devises, last wills, and revocations : By the late Lord Chief Baron Gilbert. To which is... Geoffrey Gilbert 8 1773 London
1 Glanville, by Beames. London, 1812 A translation of Glanville John Beames 8 1812 London
1 Godolphin, Orphan's Legacy, London, 1701 The orphan's legacy : or, A testamentary abridgment. In three parts. I. Of last wills and... John Godolphin 4 1701 London
1 Gravina, Rise and Progress of the Civil Law, Leipsic, 1708 Origines Juris Civilis, Quibus Ortus & Progressus Juris Civilis, Jus Naturale, Gentium &... Gianvincenzo Gravina 4 1708 Leipzig
1 Green's Index, London, 1818 A digested index of the cases determined in the High Court of Admiralty before the Right Honourable... Joshua Greene 8 1818 London
1 Grotius, on War and Peace, with notes, by Barbeyrae, London, 1738  The rights of war and peace, in three books : Wherein are explained, the law of nature and nations... Hugo Grotius Folio 1738 London
1 Grotius, on the Law of War, Fr. Amsterdam, 1724 Le droit de la guerre, et de la paix Hugo Grotius 4 1724 Amsterdam
1 Grotius, Mare liberum, Latin, Leyden, 1633 Hugo Grotius De mari libero et P. Merula De maribus Hugo Grotius 8 1633 Leiden
1 Hakervel on Parliaments, Leyden, 1659 Modus Tenendi Parliamentum: Or, The Old Manner Of Holding Parliaments In England. William Hakewill 12 1659 London
1 Hale's Jurisdiction, London, 1796 Hale's Jurisdiction, London, 1796  Matthew Hale 4 1796 London
1 Hale's Pleas of the Crown, Emlyn, Wilson and Dougherty, London, 1800 Historia placitorum coronæ : The history of the pleas of the crown by Sir Matthew Hale. Pub. from... Matthew Hale 8 1800 London
2 Hale's Pleas of the Crown, Emlyn, Wilson and Dougherty, London, 1800 Historia placitorum coronæ : The history of the pleas of the crown by Sir Matthew Hale. Pub. from... Matthew Hale 8 1800 London
1 Hale's Pleas of the Crown, by Jacob, London; 1716 Pleas of the crown : in two parts : or, A methodical summary of the principal matters relating to... Matthew Hale 8 1716 London
1794 edition 1 Hale's History of the Common Law, by Rennington, London, 1820 The history of the common law of England : and An analysis of the civil part of the law Matthew Hale 8 1820 London
1 Hallifax's Analysis of the Roman and Civil Law, Cambridge, 1795 An Analysis Of The Roman Civil Law; In Which A Comparison Is, Occasionally, Made Between The Roman... Samuel Hallifax 8 1795 Cambridge
1 Hall's Digested Index, Richmond, 1825 A digested index to the Virginia reports : containing all the points argued and determined in the... Everard Hall 8 1825 Richmond, VA
1 Hammond's Nisi Prius, London, 1816 A treatise on the law of nisi prius: combining theory with practice, and including the pleadings in... Anthony Hammond 8 1816 London
1 Hand's Chancery, London, 1809 The solicitor's assistant in the Court of Chancery William Hands 8 1809 London
1 Hand's Law of Patents, London, 1808 The law and practice of patents for inventions William Hands 8 1808 London
1 Hardres's, Reports, London, 1693 Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of Exchequer : in the years 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659,... Thomas Hardres Folio 1693 London
1 Hargrave's Collection of Tracts, London, 1787 A collection of tracts relative to the law of England : from manuscripts Francis Hargrave 4 1787 London
1 Hargrave's Juridical Arguments, London, 1797 Juridical arguments and collections (Volume 1) Francis Hargrave 4 1797 London
2 Hargrave's Juridical Arguments. London, 1797 Juridical arguments and collections Francis Hargrave 4 1797 London
1 Hening & Munford's Reports, New-York Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia : with select... William Hening, William Munford 8 1809 Philadelphia, PA
2 Hening & Munford's Reports, New-York Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia : with select... William Hening, William Munford 8 1809 New York
3 Hening & Munford's Reports, New-York Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia : with select... William Hening, William Munford 8 1809 New York
4 Hening & Munford's Reports, New-York Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia : with select... William Hening, William Munford 8 1809 New York
6 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1819 Richmond, VA
7 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1820 Richmond, VA
8 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1821 Richmond, VA
9 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1821 Richmond, VA
10 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1822 Richmond, VA
11 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1823 Richmond, VA
12 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1823 Richmond, VA
13 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1823 Philadelphia, PA
1 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1809 Richmond, VA
2 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1823
3 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1823 Philadelphia, PA
4 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1820 Richmond, VA
5 Hening's Statutes at Large (2 copies) Richmond The statutes at large : being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of... William Hening 8 1819 Richmond, VA
1 Henry's Points in Manumission, London, 1817 Points in manumission, and cases of contested freedom. John Henry 8 1817 London
1 Hetley's Reports, London, 1657 Reports and cases taken in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh years of the late King... Thomas Hetley Folio 1657 London
1792 edition 1 Historical Law Tracts, Edinburgh; 1761 Historical law-tracts Henry Home Kames Folio 1761 Edinburgh
1 Hobart's Reports, London, 1724 The reports of that reverend and learned judge, the Right Honourable Sr Henry Hobart : knight and... Henry Hobart Folio 1724 London
1 Holt's Reports, London, 1738 A report of all the cases determined by Sir John Holt, knt., from 1688 to 1710 : during which time... John Holt Folio 1738 London
1 Holt's Law of Libels, London, 1816 The law of libel : in which is contained a general history of this law in the ancient codes, and of... Francis Ludlow Holt 8 1816 London
1 Horne's Mirror of Justice, London, 1768 The mirrour of justices : written originally in the Old French, long before the conquest; and many... Andrew Home 8 1768 London
1 Hutton's Reports, London, 1656 The reports of that reverend and learned judge, Sir Richard Hutton . : sometimes one of the judges... Richard Hutton Folio 1656 London
1809 edition 1 Jacob's Law Dictionary, by Tomlins, London, 1797 The law-dictionary : explaining the rise, progress, and present state, of the English law, in... Giles Jacob 4 1797 London
1809 edition 2 Jacob's Law Dictionary, by Tomlins, London, 1797 The law-dictionary : explaining the rise, progress, and present state, of the English law, in... Giles Jacob 4 1797 London
1 Jenkins' Reports, by Barlow, London, 1771 Eight centuries of reports: or, eight hundred cases solemnly adjudged in the Exchequer-Chamber, or... David Jenkins Folio 1771 London
1 Jenkinson's Collection of Treaties, London A collection of all the treaties of peace, alliance, and commerce, between Great-Britain and other... Charles Jenkinson 8 1785 London
2 Jenkinson's Collection of Treaties, London A collection of all the treaties of peace, alliance, and commerce, between Great-Britain and other... Charles Jenkinson 8 1785 London
3 Jenkinson's Collection of Treaties, London A collection of all the treaties of peace, alliance, and commerce, between Great-Britain and other... Charles Jenkinson 8 1785 London
5th (1715) edition 1 Instructor Clericalis, London, 1721 Instructor clericalis . : directing clerks both in the Court of Queen's-Bench and Common-Pleas... Robert Gardiner 8 1721 London
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5th (1715) edition 3 Instructor Clericalis, London, 1721 Instructor clericalis . : directing clerks both in the Court of Queen's-Bench and Common-Pleas... Robert Gardiner 8 1721 London
5th (1715) edition 4 Instructor Clericalis, London, 1721 Instructor clericalis . : directing clerks both in the Court of Queen's-Bench and Common-Pleas... Robert Gardiner 8 1721 London
5th (1715) edition 5 Instructor Clericalis, London, 1721 Instructor clericalis . : directing clerks both in the Court of Queen's-Bench and Common-Pleas... Robert Gardiner 8 1721 London
5th (1715) edition 6 Instructor Clericalis, London, 1721 Instructor clericalis . : directing clerks both in the Court of Queen's-Bench and Common-Pleas... Robert Gardiner 8 1721 London
5th (1715) edition 7 Instructor Clericalis, London, 1721 Instructor clericalis . : directing clerks both in the Court of Queen's-Bench and Common-Pleas... Robert Gardiner 8 1721 London
1 Johnson's Ecclesiastical Law, London, 1720 A collection of all the Ecclesiastical laws, canons, answers, or rescripts, with other memorials... John Johnson 8 1720 London
2 Johnson's Ecclesiastical Law, London, 1720 A collection of all the Ecclesiastical laws, canons, answers, or rescripts, with other memorials... John Johnson 8 1720 London
1 Jones' (Sir W.) Reports, London, 1675 Les reports de Sir William Jones, Chevalier . : De divers special cases cy bien in le Court de... William Jones Folio 1675 London
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2nd edition 1 Jones, on Bailments, Nichols, London, 1823 An essay on the law of bailments William Jones Folio 1823 London
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1 Kelham's Norman Dictionary, London, 1825 A dictionary of the Norman or Old French language : collected from such acts of Parliament,... Robert Kelham Folio 1825 London
1 Kelynge's Reports, London, 1764 A report of cases in Chancery, the King's Bench, &c. : In the fourth, fifth, sixth and... William Kelynge Folio 1764 London
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1 Lambard, concerning the Antient & c. Cambridge, 1644 Archaionomia : sive De priscis Anglorum legibus libri, sermone Anglico, vestustate antiquissimo,... William Lambarde 4 1644 London
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1 Lee, on Captures in War, London, 1803 A treatise of captures in war Richard Lee 8 1803 London
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1 Leunclavius, on the, Græco-Roman Canon and Civil Law, Greek & Latin, Francfort, 1596  Iuris Graeco-Romani tam canonici quam ciuilis tomi duo. Johannes Leunclavius Folio 1596 Frankfurt
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1 Lilly's Practical Register, London, 1745 The practical register : or, A general abridgment of the law, relating to the practice of the... John Lilly Folio 1745 London
2 Lilly's Practical Register, London, 1745 The practical register : or, A general abridgment of the law, relating to the practice of the... John Lilly Folio 1745 London
1 Lilly's Conveyancer, London, 1742 The practical conveyancer: in two parts. Part I. Containing rules and instructions for drawing all... John Lilly Folio 1742 London
1 Littleton's Reports, London, 1683 Les reports des tres honorable Edw. seigneur Littleton, baron de Mounslow. Edward Littleton Folio 1683 London
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1 Mac Nally's Rules of Evidence, London, 1802 The rules of evidence on pleas of the crown : illustrated from printed and manuscript trials and... Leonard MacNally Folio 1802 London
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2 Marshall, on Insurance, London, 1808 A treatise on the law of insurance, in four books : I. Of marine insurance, II. Of bottomry and... Samuel Marshall 8 1808 London
1 Marshall, on Insurance, London, 1808 A treatise on the law of insurance, in four books : I. Of marine insurance, II. Of bottomry and... Samuel Marshall 8 1808 London
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1 Marten's on Privateers, Home, London, 1801 An essay on privateers, captures, and particularly on recaptures, according to the laws, treaties,... G F de Martens 8 1801 London
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1 Merivale's Reports, London, 1817 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery : commencing in Michaelmas... John Herman Merivale 8 1817 London
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1 Modern Entries, Mallory, London, 1791 Modern entries, in English : being a select collection of pleadings in the courts of King's... John Mallory 8 1791 Dublin
2 Modern Entries, Mallory, London, 1791 Modern entries, in English : being a select collection of pleadings in the courts of King's... John Mallory 8 1791 Dublin
2 Modern Reports Leach London, 1793 Modern reports : or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common... Thomas Leach 8 1793 London
3 Modern Reports Leach London, 1793 Modern reports : or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common... Thomas Leach 8 1793 London
4 Modern Reports Leach London, 1793 Modern reports : or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common... Thomas Leach 8 1793 London
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6 Modern Reports Leach London, 1793 Modern reports : or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common... Thomas Leach 8 1793 London
7 Modern Reports Leach London, 1793 Modern reports : or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common... Thomas Leach 8 1793 London
8 Modern Reports Leach London, 1793 Modern reports : or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common... Thomas Leach 8 1793 London
9 Modern Reports Leach London, 1793 Modern reports : or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common... Thomas Leach 8 1793 London
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12 Modern Reports Leach London, 1793 Modern reports : or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common... Thomas Leach 8 1793 London
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1 Mollyneaux, The case of Ireland being bound by Acts of ariament, London, 1770 The Case Of Ireland Being Bound By Acts Of Parliament In England, Stated. William Molyneux 8 1770 London
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3 Moore's Reports, London, 1818 Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber : with... John Bayly Moore 8 1818 London
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2 Nelson's Abridgement, London, 1725 An abridgment of the common law : being a collection of the principal cases argued and adjudged in... William Nelson Folio 1725 London
3 Nelson's Abridgement, London, 1725 An abridgment of the common law : being a collection of the principal cases argued and adjudged in... William Nelson Folio 1725 London
1 Newland on Contracts, London, 1806 A treatise on contracts : within the jurisdiction of courts of equity John Newland 8 1806 London
1738 edition 1 New Retorna Brevium, London, 1728 The new retorna brevium : collected from the many printed law-books extant, concerning the retorn... Robert Gardiner 8 1728 London
1 Northingtons's Reports, by Eden, London, 1818 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, from 1757 to 1766 : From the... Robert Henley Northington 8 1818 London
2 Northingtons's Reports, by Eden, London, 1818 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, from 1757 to 1766 : From the... Robert Henley Northington 8 1818 London
7th (1817) edition 1 Noy's Maxims, by Thewood, London, 1821 The principal grounds and maxims : with an analysis and a dialogue and treatise of the laws of... William Noy 12 1821 London
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1 Ord on Usury, London, 1809 An essay on the law of usury Mark Ord 8 1809 London
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3 Pandects of Justinian, Pothier, Lat. Leyden, 1782 Pandectæ Junstinianeæ, in novum ordinem digestæ : cum legibus Codicis, et Novellis, quæ jus... Robert Joseph Pothier Folio 1782 Leiden
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1 Phillips Sheriff, London, 1808 A letter to the livery of London : relative to the views of the writer in executing the office of... Richard Phillips 8 1808 London
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1 Puffendorf, on the Duty of Man, Leyden, 1769 S. Pufendorfii De Officio Hominis Et Civis Secundum Legem Naturalem Libri Duo Samuel Pufendorf 8 1769 Leiden
2 Puffendorf, Law of Nature by Barbeyrac, French, London, 1740 Le Droit De La Nature Et Des Gens Samuel Pufendorf 8 1740 London
3 Puffendorf, Law of Nature by Barbeyrac, French, London, 1740 Le Droit De La Nature Et Des Gens Samuel Pufendorf 8 1740 London
1 Puffendorf, Law of Nature by Barbeyrac, French, London, 1740 Le Droit De La Nature Et Des Gens Samuel Pufendorf 8 1740 London
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1 Rastell's Entries, London, 1670 A collection of entries of declarations, barres, replications, rejoynders, issues, verdicts,... William Rastell Folio 1670 London
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3 Raymond's Reports, Bayley, London, 1790 Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, in the... Thomas Raymond 8 1790 London
1 Raymond's Reports, Bayley, Dublin, 1793 Reports of divers special cases adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and... Thomas Raymond 8 1793 Dublin
1 Reeves's Two Tracts on Alien Laws, London, 1816 Two tracts shewing, that Americans, born before the Independence, are, by the law of England, not... John Reeves 8 1816 London
1 Register of Briefs, Latin, London, 1687 Registrum brevium tam originalium, quam judicialium : correctum & emendatum ad vetus exemplar... Ralph de Hengham Folio 1687 London
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2 Richardson's (K. B.) Practice, London, 1776 The attorney's practice in the Court of King's Bench : or, an introduction to the... Robert Richardson 8 1776 London
1 Richardson's (C. P.) Practice, London, 1776 The attorney's practice in the Court of Common Pleas : or, An introduction to the knowledge of... Robert Richardson 8 1778 London
2 Richardson's (C. P.) Practice, London, 1776 The attorney's practice in the Court of Common Pleas : or, An introduction to the knowledge of... Robert Richardson 8 1778 London
1 Roberts, on the Statutes of Fraud, London, 1805 A treatise on the Statute of frauds : as it regards declarations in trust, contracts, surrenders,... William Roberts 8 1805 London
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1808 edition 5 Robinson's (C.) Admiralty Reports, London, 1812 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty : commencing with the... Christopher Robinson 8 1812 London
1808 edition 6 Robinson's (C.) Admiralty Reports, London, 1812 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty : commencing with the... Christopher Robinson 8 1812 London
1808 edition 1 Robinson's (C.) Admiralty Reports, London, 1812 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty : commencing with the... Christopher Robinson 8 1812 London
1808 edition 2 Robinson's (C.) Admiralty Reports, London, 1812 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty : commencing with the... Christopher Robinson 8 1812 London
1808 edition 4 Robinson's (C.) Admiralty Reports, London, 1812 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty : commencing with the... Christopher Robinson 8 1812 London
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1 Rolle's Reports, London, 1675 Les reports de Henry Rolle . : de divers cases en le Court del' banke le roy. En le temps del... Henry Rolle Folio 1675 London
1 Rolle's Abridgment, London, 1668 Un abridgment des plusieurs cases et resolutions del common ley : alphabeticalment digest desouth... Henry Rolle Folio 1668 London
1 Roscoe's Penal Jurisprudence, London, 1819 Observations on penal jurisprudence : and the reformation of criminals. With an appendix;... William Roscoe 8 1819 London
1 Runnington's Ejectments, London, 1781 A treatise on the action of ejectment Charles Runnington 8 1781 London
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2 Rutherford's Institutes, Philadelphia, 1799 Institutes of natural law : being the substance of a course of lectures on Grotius De jure belli et... Thomas Rutherford 8 1799 Phildadelphia
1 Salkeld's Reports, Evans, London, 1795 Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench : with some special cases in the courts... William Salkeld 8 1795 London
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1 Salmasius de Testamentis, Latin, 2 copies, Leyden, 1648 and 1658 Specimen Confutationis Animadversionum Desiderii Heraldi; Sive, Tractatus De Subscribendis &... Claude Saumaise 8 1648 Leiden
1737 edition 1 Salmon's State Trials, London, 1738 A new abridgement and critical review of the State trials, and impeachments for high-treason : from... Thomas Salmon Folio 1738 London
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1st edition (1807) 1 Saunder's Reports, Williams, 1824 The reports of the most learned Sir Edmund Saunders, knt : of several pleadings and cases in the... Edmund Saunders 8 1824 London
1st edition (1807) 2 Saunder's Reports, Williams, 1824 The reports of the most learned Sir Edmund Saunders, knt : of several pleadings and cases in the... Edmund Saunders 8 1824 London
1st edition (1807) 2 Saunder's Reports, Williams, 1824 The reports of the most learned Sir Edmund Saunders, knt : of several pleadings and cases in the... Edmund Saunders 8 1824 London
1 Sayer's Law of Damages, London, 1770 The Law of Damages Joseph Sayer 8 1770 London
2nd edition (1768) 1 Sayer's Law of Costs, London, 1777 The Law of Costs Joseph Sayer 8 1777 London
1 Schlegel & Croke's Swedish Convoy, London, 1801 Remarks on Mr. Schlegel's work, Upon the visitation of neutral vessels under convoy. Alexander Croke 8 1801 London
1 Selden's Tracts, London, 1683 Tracts written by John Selden of the Inner-Temple, esquire : The first entituled, Jani Anglorum... John Selden Folio 1683 London
1 Selden's Works, by Wilkins, Latin, London, 1726 Joannis Seldeni juris consulti opera omnia, tam edita quam inedita John Selden Folio 1726 London
2 Selden's Works, by Wilkins, Latin, London, 1726 Joannis Seldeni juris consulti opera omnia, tam edita quam inedita John Selden Folio 1726 London
3 Selden's Works, by Wilkins, Latin, London, 1726 Joannis Seldeni juris consulti opera omnia, tam edita quam inedita John Selden Folio 1726 London
English translation 1 Selden's "Mare Clausum" Latin, London, 1635 Ioannis Seldeni Mare clausum seu De dominio maris libri duo : Primo, mare, ex jure naturæ seu... John Selden Folio 1635 London
1 Selden, of the Jurisdiction in Parliaments, London Of the judicature in Parliaments : a posthumous treatise wherein the controversies and precedents... John Selden 8 1681 London
1 Select Cases in Chancery, London, 1740 Select cases argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery : before the late lords... Peter King Folio 1740 London
4th edition (1817) 1 Selwyn's Nisi Prius, London, 1824 An abridgement of the law of nisi prius William Selwyn 8 1824 London
4th edition (1817) 2 Selwyn's Nisi Prius, London, 1824 An abridgement of the law of nisi prius William Selwyn 8 1824 London
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1 Sheppard's Abridgment, London, 1675 A grand abridgment of the common and statute law of England : alphabetically digested under proper... William Sheppard 4 1675 London
2 Sheppard's Abridgment, London, 1675 A grand abridgment of the common and statute law of England : alphabetically digested under proper... William Sheppard 4 1675 London
3 Sheppard's Abridgment, London, 1675 A grand abridgment of the common and statute law of England : alphabetically digested under proper... William Sheppard 4 1675 London
1 Shower's Cases in Parliament, London, 1698 Cases in Parliament resolved and adjudged, upon petitions and writs of error . : 1694-1698 Bartholomew Shower Folio 1698 London
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1 Siderfen's Reports, London, 1714 Les reports des divers special cases argue & adjudge en le Court del bank le Roy : et auxy en... Thomas Siderfin Folio 1714 London
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2 Smith's Reports, London, 1806 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench : together with some cases... John Prince Smith 8 1806 London
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1 Spelman's Concilia, Latin, London, 1639 Concilia, decreta, leges, constitvtiones, in re ecclesiarum orbis Britannici : Viz. Pambritannica,... Henry Spelman Folio 1639 London
1 Spelman's English Works, London, 1727 The English works of Sir Henry Spelman kt published in his life-time : together with his Posthumous... Henry Spelman Folio 1727 London
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14 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1812 London
30 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1822 London
31 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1823 London
15 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1812 London
32 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1824 London
16 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1812 London
1 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1809 London
17 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1813 London
2 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1809 London
18 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1813 London
3 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1809 London
19 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1813 London
4 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1809 London
20 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1814 London
5 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1809 London
21 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1814 London
6 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1810 London
22 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1817 London
7 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1810 London
23 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1817 London
8 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1810 London
24 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1818 London
9 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1811 London
25 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1818 London
10 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1811 London
26 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1819 London
11 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1811 London
27 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1820 London
12 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1828 London
28 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1820 London
13 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1812 London
29 State Trials, by Cobbett, 1163 to 1817, London Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other... William Cobbett 8 1821 London
14 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
15 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
16 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
1 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... Thomas Edlyne Tomlins 8 1811 London
17 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
2 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... Thomas Edlyne Tomlins 8 1811 London
18 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
3 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
19 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
4 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
20 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
5 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
6 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
7 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
8 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
9 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
10 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
11 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
12 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
13 Statutes at Large, from 9 Henry III to 5 George IV, London The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain : from Magna Carta to the union of the... John Raithby 8 1811 London
1 Staunford's Pleas of the Crown, London, 1607 Les plees del corone, diuisees in plusors titles & common lieux : per queux home pluis redement... William Staunford 4 1607 London
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1 Swinburne, on Wills, London, 1803 A treatise of testaments and last wills : compiled out of the laws ecclesiastical, civil, and canon... Henry Swinburne 8 1803 London
2 Swinburne, on Wills, London, 1803 A treatise of testaments and last wills : compiled out of the laws ecclesiastical, civil, and canon... Henry Swinburne 8 1803 London
3 Swinburne, on Wills, London, 1803 A treatise of testaments and last wills : compiled out of the laws ecclesiastical, civil, and canon... Henry Swinburne 8 1803 London
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1733 edition 1 Theophilus, Paraphrase of the Justinian Institutes, Lat. Leyden, 1761 D. Justiniani Sacratissimi Principis Institutionum, Sive Elementorum, Libri Quator Quibus... Theophilus 8 1761 Leiden
1 Tomlins, Juridical Repertory Repertorium juridicum : A general index to all the cases and pleadings in law and equity contained... Thomas Edlyne Tomlins Folio 1788 London
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3 Vicat, Law Vocabulary, Lat. Naples, 1760 Vocabularium juris utriusque : ex variis ante editis, præsertim ex Alexand. Scoti, Jo. Kahl, Barn.... Philip Vicat 8 1760 Naples
4 Vicat, Law Vocabulary, Lat. Naples, 1760 Vocabularium juris utriusque : ex variis ante editis, præsertim ex Alexand. Scoti, Jo. Kahl, Barn.... Philip Vicat 8 1760 Naples
1 Vicat, Law Vocabulary, Lat. Naples, 1760 Vocabularium juris utriusque : ex variis ante editis, præsertim ex Alexand. Scoti, Jo. Kahl, Barn.... Philip Vicat 8 1760 Naples
2 Vicat, Law Vocabulary, Lat. Naples, 1760 Vocabularium juris utriusque : ex variis ante editis, præsertim ex Alexand. Scoti, Jo. Kahl, Barn.... Philip Vicat 8 1760 Naples
14 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
15 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
24 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
16 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
1 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
17 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
2 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
18 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
19 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
3 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
20 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
4 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
21 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
5 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
22 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
6 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
23 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
7 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
8 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
9 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
10 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
11 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
12 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
13 Viner's Abridgement, London, 1791 A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles; with notes... Charles Viner 8 1791 London
1 Viner's Supplement. London, 1799 An abridgment of the modern determinations in the courts of law and equity : being a supplement to... Charles Viner 8 1799 London
2 Viner's Supplement. London, 1799 An abridgment of the modern determinations in the courts of law and equity : being a supplement to... Charles Viner 8 1799 London
3 Viner's Supplement. London, 1799 An abridgment of the modern determinations in the courts of law and equity : being a supplement to... Charles Viner 8 1799 London
4 Viner's Supplement. London, 1799 An abridgment of the modern determinations in the courts of law and equity : being a supplement to... Charles Viner 8 1799 London
5 Viner's Supplement. London, 1799 An abridgment of the modern determinations in the courts of law and equity : being a supplement to... Charles Viner 8 1799 London
6 Viner's Supplement. London, 1799 An abridgment of the modern determinations in the courts of law and equity : being a supplement to... Charles Viner 8 1799 London
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1747 edition 2 Vinnius Commentary on the Imperial Institutes, Heineecius Latin, Leyden, 1767 Arnoldi Vinii Jc. In Quatuor Libros. Institutionum Imperlalium Commentarius Academicus, Et... Arnoldus Vinnius 4 1761 Leiden
1821 edition 1 Virginia Reports 1820-21, (2 copies) by Gilmer, Richmond, 1824 Reports of cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Virginia : from April 10th 1820, to June 28th... Francis Gilmer 8 1824 Richmond, VA
1821 edition 2 Virginia Reports 1820-21, (2 copies) by Gilmer, Richmond, 1824 Reports of cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Virginia : from April 10th 1820, to June 28th... Francis Gilmer 8 1824 Richmond, VA
1 Virginia Cases, by Brockenbrough & Holmes, Philadelphia, 1815 A collection of cases decided by the General Court of Virginia : chiefly relating to the penal laws... William Brockenbrough, Hugh Holmes 8 1815 Philadelphia
1 Ward's Law of Nations, London, 1795 An enquiry into the foundation and history of the law of nations in Europe : from the time of the... Robert Plumer Ward 8 1795 London
2 Ward's Law of Nations, London, 1795 An enquiry into the foundation and history of the law of nations in Europe : from the time of the... Robert Plumer Ward 8 1795 London
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1 Watson's Clergy-Man's Law, London, 1747 The clergy-man's law : or, The complete incumbent, collected from the Thirty-nine articles,... William Watson Folio 1747 London
1819 edition 1 Wentworth's Office of Executions, Wilson, London, 1774 The office and duty of executors : or, a treatise directing testators to form, and executors to... Thomas Wentworth 8 1774 London
1 William's (P.) Reports, by Cox, London, 1793 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery : and of some special cases... Samuel Compton Cox 8 1793 London
2 William's (P.) Reports, by Cox, London, 1793 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery : and of some special cases... Samuel Compton Cox 8 1793 London
3 William's (P.) Reports, by Cox, London, 1793 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery : and of some special cases... Samuel Compton Cox 8 1793 London
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1 Wickefort, the Ambassador and his Function, French, Amsterdam, 1730 L'ambassadeur Et Ses Fonctions. Abraham de Wicquefort 4 1730 Amsterdam
2 Wickefort, the Ambassador and his Function, French, Amsterdam, 1730 L'ambassadeur Et Ses Fonctions. Abraham de Wicquefort 4 1730 Amsterdam
1 Wilson's Reports, Dublin, 1784 Reports of the cases argued and adjudged in the King's courts at Westminster [1742-1774] in... George Wilson 8 1784 Dublin
2 Wilson's Reports, Dublin, 1784 Reports of the cases argued and adjudged in the King's courts at Westminster [1742-1774] in... George Wilson 8 1784 Dublin
3 Wilson's Reports, Dublin, 1784 Reports of the cases argued and adjudged in the King's courts at Westminster [1742-1774] in... George Wilson 8 1784 Dublin
1 Wingate's Maxims, London, 1658 Maximes of reason : or, The reason of the common law of England Edmund Wingate Folio 1658 London
1 Wingate's Britton, London, 1640 Britton Edmund Wingate 12 1640 London
1 Wooddeson's Lectures on the Laws of Eng. Lond 1793 A systematical view of the laws of England : as treated of in a course of Vinerian lectures, read... Richard Wooddeson 8 1792 London
2 Wooddeson's Lectures on the Laws of Eng. Lond 1793 A systematical view of the laws of England : as treated of in a course of Vinerian lectures, read... Richard Wooddeson 8 1792 London
3 Wooddeson's Lectures on the Laws of Eng. Lond 1793 A systematical view of the laws of England : as treated of in a course of Vinerian lectures, read... Richard Wooddeson 8 1792 London
1 Wood's Institutes, London 1772 An institute of the laws of England : or, The laws of England in their natural order, according to... Thomas Wood Folio 1772 London
1 Year Books, London, 1678 Les reports des cases argue & adjudge in le temps del' Roy Edward le Second : et auxy... John Maynard Folio 1658 London
2 Year Books, London, 1678 Les reports des cases argue & adjudge in le temps del' Roy Edward le Second : et auxy... John Maynard Folio 1658 London
3 Year Books, London, 1678 Les reports des cases argue & adjudge in le temps del' Roy Edward le Second : et auxy... John Maynard Folio 1658 London
4 Year Books, London, 1678 Les reports des cases argue & adjudge in le temps del' Roy Edward le Second : et auxy... John Maynard Folio 1658 London
5 Year Books, London, 1678 Les reports des cases argue & adjudge in le temps del' Roy Edward le Second : et auxy... John Maynard Folio 1658 London
6 Year Books, London, 1678 Les reports des cases argue & adjudge in le temps del' Roy Edward le Second : et auxy... John Maynard Folio 1658 London
7 Year Books, London, 1678 Les reports des cases argue & adjudge in le temps del' Roy Edward le Second : et auxy... John Maynard Folio 1658 London
8 Year Books, London, 1678 Les reports des cases argue & adjudge in le temps del' Roy Edward le Second : et auxy... John Maynard Folio 1658 London
1 Yelverton's Reports, London, 1735 The reports of Sir Henry Yelverton, knight and baronet : of divers special cases in the Court of... Henry Yelverton Folio 1735 London
1 Zouch's Juris et Judicii Fecialis, Lat. Oxford, 1650 Juris Et Judicii Fecialis. Richard Zouch 4 1650 Oxford