Malyne's Law Merchant, London, 1686

Long Title: Consuetudo, vel, lex mercatoria, or, The ancient law-merchant : in three parts, according to the essentials of traffick necessary for statesmen, judges, magistrates, temporal and civil lawyers, mint-men, merchants, mariners, and all others negotiating in any parts of the world (Volume 1 of 1)
Author(s): Gerard Malynes
Published: London, 1686
Publisher: Printed for T. Basset ... R. Chiswell ... T. Horne and E. Smith
Language: English
Notes: The third edition, wherein are inserted the three tracts following, never before printed in any former impression, I. The jurisdiction of the admiralty of England asserted / by Richard Zouch ... ; II. The ancient sea laws of Oleron, Wisby, and the Hanse-towns, still in force, rendered into English for the use of navigators by G. Miege ... ; III. The sovereignty of the British seas, proved by records, history, and the municipal laws of this kingdom, by Sir John Burroughs
Subject Classification: Law - Merchant
Format: Folio
Purchase Location: London
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? Yes, exact edition