Spelman's English Works, London, 1727

Long Title: The English works of Sir Henry Spelman kt published in his life-time : together with his Posthumous works, relating to the laws and antiquities of England; and the life of the author (Volume 1 of 1)
Author(s): Henry Spelman
Published: London, 1727
Publisher: Printed for D. Browne, sen. & jun., W. Mears, F. Clay [etc.]
Language: English
Notes: Part 1: 2d edition. Part 2 has title: Reliquiæ Spelmannianæ. The posthumous works of Sir Henry Spelman kt. relating to the laws and antiquities of England. Publish'd from the original manuscripts.
Subject Classification: Common Law
Format: Folio
Purchase Location: London
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? Yes, exact edition