Coke's First Institute with Notes by Hargrave and Thomas, London, 1818

Long Title: A systematic arrangement of Lord Coke's First Institute of the laws of England : on the plan of Sir Matthew Hale's analysis; with the annotations of Mr. Hargrave, Lord Chief Justice Hale, and Lord Chancellor Nottingham; and a new series of notes and references to the present time: including tables of parallel reference, analytical tables of contents, and a copious digested index (Volume 3 of 3)
Author(s): Francis Hargrave, John Henry Thomas, Edward Coke
Published: London, 1818
Publisher: Printed by S. Brooke
Language: English
Notes: 3 v. 26 cm.
Subject Classification: Common Law
Format: 8
Purchase Location: London
In 1825 Jefferson Manuscript Catalogue? Yes, exact edition